Computed Tomography Scan

CT Scan
The CT Scan is one of the most important diagnostic modality. Due to or goal to achieve the most efficient results in a very competitive market we chose Siemens Somatom Go, a CT Scan which is the newest and most evolved model that Siemens has to offer.
The Examination has the ability to be operated either by computer or by tablet ensuring an even closer and personal interraction with the patient.
It has the ability to execute low dose examinations at the quickest time possible, under one minute.
We are confident to provide reliable results in wide rage of examinations like enterographies and angiographies.
Examinations preformed in our center
Brain CT Scan
CT Scan of the Neck
CT Scan of Abdomen and Pelvis
CT of Urinary Track
Spine CT Scan
CT Enterography
CT Angiography